Read our new Customer Involvement and Empowerment Strategy

We can only provide great services by actively involving our customers.
Our new customer involvement and empowerment strategy outlines how we will achieve this as part of our commitment to improve our customer offer in our Simpler, Stronger, Better business strategy.
Our customer involvement and empowerment strategy has been shaped with customers and includes a new set of guiding principles which will provide the foundation for more effective and meaningful customer engagement and involvement benefiting both our customers and GreenSquareAccord.
At the heart of this strategy is the launch of our new customer engagement and involvement offer which offers a menu of engagement options that customers can choose from to suit them.
It also brings together our commitments as a social landlord to ensuring the effective involvement and empowerment of our customers in meeting the mandatory regulatory compliance standards and how we continue to explore ways to improve our engagement.
One of the ways customers can now get involved is to join our Customer Focus Groups which will be facilitated by the Community Involvement and Investment Team and will feed directly into the Customer Panel.
Our Director for Homes and Communities Ross Kuklinski said: “It’s great to see us launch our new customer involvement and empowerment strategy.
“We want to be proud of the difference GreenSquareAccord makes to people’s lives and the communities they live in, and we recognise that how we do things matter just as much as what we do.
“This strategy includes our new involvement offer by offering customers a range of options to get involved: from keeping customers informed about latest news and performance, through to customers being actively involved in their own estate or neighbourhood.
“While this strategy recognises the new responsibilities placed on social housing providers by the regulator, it intends to go way beyond simply fulfilling regulatory obligations as we want to ensure the decisions we make and the work we do reflect the needs, experiences, and expectations of our customers.”
Read our customer involvement and empowerment strategy here.
Take a look at our new communities’ pages on our website here.