We recognise not all customers are the same and people may want to engage in different ways depending on their level of interest and capacity to get involved, and some people may not want to engage at all.
To accommodate the different ways customers might want to engage with us we have developed a menu of engagement options that customers can choose from to suit them. We are committed to providing opportunities to engage in an accessible way which meets the diverse needs of our customers. If you have a disability or there is another reason getting involved may be more challenging for you we will work with you to ensure you still can.
Our menu is based on our four building blocks of engagement and includes:
Find out about how GSA is performing and how to get involved through a range of communication channels.
Our website is regularly updated with news stories and performance information (covering key areas such as repairs, customer contact centre and customer satisfaction).
Regular communications about what is happening are published on Facebook and Instagram. We advertise our local offers and events through our online channels as well as posters and leaflets and we produce an online annual report.
Not much time? Become one of our on-the-go customers and take part in quick surveys sent to you online.
Customer surveys
Customer surveys will generally be sent out electronically to customers by our Voice of the Customer team. Surveys may focus on general satisfaction and feedback in relation to repairs and other services you receive from us. Once we have gathered your feedback, the team turn this into insight and share it across the business to enable service improvement. We may also call you to follow up on a survey or ask for your views.
Are you interested in meeting GSA staff, want to learn more about local issues or opportunities and share your views?
You can join customer roadshows that we host in your area or smaller neighbourhood consultation events.
Customer roadshows
Our roadshows give customers the opportunity to meet staff in their locality, share views and meet other customers.
Neighbourhood consultations
Neighbourhood consultations are smaller ad-hoc neighbourhood consultations where customers will be invited to discuss issues or opportunities in their local area.
Do you have more time? Our ‘at home’ option means you can join online customer focus groups on specialist topics that you are interested in. Or, if you have a passion for championing customer-led scrutiny then you can set up a resident group or apply to become a member of our panel.
Customer focus groups
Customer focus groups will be facilitated by the Community Involvement and Investment team, and will feed directly into the Customer Panel. Locality focus groups will take place every six months, bringing together customers from each of the four geographic localities to discuss issues/themes and gather views.
The Customer Panel will identify where focus groups are needed to hear from more customers in relation to specific topics or service areas. These could, for example, focus on repairs, communication, procurement etc (and may or may not be locality based).
If you’d like to register to receive invites to our customer focus groups please complete our online form.
Customer Panel
Customer Panel membership represents the maximum level of involvement and is geared towards those customers who want to get involved at a strategic level in the scrutiny of our services and act as a customer voice representative to help drive performance and increase customer satisfaction.
The panel is led by a chairperson (a GSA customer) and is a group of up to 16 customers from across GSA’s four localities. The panel works in partnership with us to ensure resident-led scrutiny where the customer’s voice is heard and used to influence and drive performance and service improvements.
The panel meets every month, reports into our Communities and Customer Experience Committee and provides assurance that we are conducting ourselves in an open, transparent and accountable way.
Resident groups
If you and your neighbours are interested in setting up a resident group and would like further help and guidance, please email us at communities@greensquareaccord.co.uk.