Manage your home

Everything you need to know about repairing and maintaining your home, paying your rent and service charges, and your tenancy agreement or lease.

Information in this area

  • Customer portal

    You can pay your rent, report repairs and manage your tenancy in your online account.

  • Repairs and maintenance

    How to maintain your home and when you need to let us know about a repair.

  • Rent and service charges

    What's included in your rent and service charges, and how to quickly and easily pay your rent.

  • Your tenancy

    All you need to know about living in your home, from moving in to ending your tenancy.

  • Homeowners

    Important information for shared owners and leaseholders of houses and flats.

  • Home safety

    Asbestos, electrical, fire, gas and water safety advice to protect your home and family.

  • Help and advice

    We can help you stay physically, mentally and financially safe and well at home.