The search for our new Board Chair has begun

Our Board Members, and in particular our Board Chair, are responsible for overseeing delivery of our strategy and the provision of high-quality housing services and care and support services to the people and communities we serve.

Our new chair will have a proven track record of operating as a senior non-executive director, who may have previously chaired a large and complex organisation. They will have ideally gained strategic management experience in a customer-focused organisation and have insight into the social housing sector. Understanding the complexities of a regulated sector and the role of a non-executive board in the governance structure will be critical.

Robin Bailey is set to stand down as our Board Chair and hand over the reigns to his successor in Spring 2024.

Robin is stepping down as Board Chair following the successful completion of his three-year term in his current role. Robin has been a familiar face for some colleagues for a while as he served as Chair of GreenSquare prior to the merger which created GSA having been on our Board since May 2017.

We recently celebrated our return to G1 status, after an in-depth assessment by the Regulator of Social Housing, meaning that Robin is leaving GSA on a high note. 

Ruth Cooke, our Chief Executive said: “Robin really made the role of Board Chair his own and has set the standard for future holders of this position. On behalf of all Board members and colleagues at GSA we would like to thank Robin for all his efforts in the role of Board Chair. He’s given us so much of his time and expertise and we are all very grateful.

“Now is a very exciting time to be taking over the reigns as GSA’s Board Chair – this is in no small part testament to Robin’s leadership and the working culture that he has helped build.  Following our recent in-depth assessment and upgrade to G1 by the Regulator for Social Housing, we are focussed on delivering our ambitious new Simpler, Stronger, Better five-year strategy.

“Our new chair will be critical in ensuring the successful delivery of the strategy, which will see a transformational change in the level of investment in our homes and services.”

The successful candidate will serve an initial three-year term and will lead our Board’s oversight of the organisation, working with our Chief Executive and wider Executive Management Team to deliver first class services to our customers.

Applications close on Friday 19 January 2024 with interviews taking place on Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15 February.

To find out more about the vacancy and how to apply click here, you can also view our Board Chair recruitment pack here.

Find out more about our Board here.