West Midlands-based employment support specialists Steps To Work hosted their Bridges Evaluation Event on Friday 27 January.
The event saw staff members, participants, and partners celebrating the success of the Building Better Opportunities Bridges projects.
Our Building Better Opportunities team along with Wolverhampton Voluntary Community Action, won the Contribution to Inclusivity Award.
Building Better Opportunities is a project we’ve been delivering since 2015 across the Black Country, funded by the European Social Fund and Big Lottery Fund, aimed at supporting adults aged 50 and over to access the job market.
Services Manager Asima Hussain says: “I’m so pleased that our team have been recognised with this award for all of their hard work ensuring that we’re able to reach out to all areas of the Black Country, by designing activities that make the service as accessible and inclusive as possible.
“We’ve been delivering the service since 2016, and it sadly comes to an end on 31 March this year. During this time, we’ve supported over 250 people to increase their confidence, make local connections, or gain employment or further training.
“I would like to congratulate our Project Manager Kelly King, Business Support Coordinator Shelley Spittle, and Project Support Assistants Tracie Dabbs and Shafaq Arshad for all of their hard work and dedication delivering this project.”
BBO Partnerships coordinator Colleen White said: “GSA were one of two partners who received the Contribution to Inclusivity Award.
“Through the teams understanding and their ability to nurture and grow confidence, they enable the participants to become part of a community in which they previously did not feel included.
“Well done on all your achievements over the last seven years.”
Find out more about our Building Better Opportunities Project here.