Saturday November 25th marked the start of 16 Days of Action Against Gender Based Violence, an annual international campaign that calls for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls. 

The campaign, which is supported by the United Nations, runs from the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women until Human Rights Day on December 10 and takes place all over the world.

We’re backing the 16 days of action against gender-based violence this year and will be supporting our Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service (GDASS) who are holding many engagement and training events across Gloucestershire focusing on the role society at large can play in tackling domestic abuse.

GDASS are theming their activities for the 16 days campaign around the call for action that ‘domestic abuse is everyone’s business’ and will be holding online and in-person training and engagement sessions. The events are aimed both at general audiences and professionals interested in learning more about domestic abuse prevention and intervention.

Among other topics the sessions will cover:

  • Recognising domestic abuse and responding to disclosures
  • How to fill in a Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Honour-based violence (DASH) risk assessment form
  • Domestic abuse and the workplace focussing on how employers can play a supportive role in tackling domestic abuse.

GDASS provides support to women and men aged 16+ who are victims of domestic abuse. They run by GSA and are commissioned by Gloucestershire County Council, with support from the county’s Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.

Find out more about GDASS and the 16 Days of Action Against Gender-based Violence here.