
Our application process

We encourage people from all sections of our community to apply for jobs with us. We are committed to developing an inclusive culture at GreenSquareAccord.

A man and women sitting in their kitchen looking at paperwork and a laptop

We know that applying for a new job is a big deal, and you'll probably have lots of questions about what to expect during the process, so we've included some information for you, but we're also happy for you to contact us if you have any questions that you can't find the answers to here.

We encourage people from all sections of our community to apply for jobs with us. We are committed to developing an inclusive culture at GreenSquareAccord and particularly welcome applications from candidates who are disabled, ethnic minority, LGBTQ+ or a GSA customer.

How to apply

We advertise all our vacancies on our recruitment page. It is important to apply online through our website, so your application reaches our Recruitment Team quickly and we have all the information we need to progress.

If you are unable to apply via this route, please contact us at and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.

Once you have submitted an application, you will receive an auto-acknowledgement confirming your application has been received.

As a candidate, you can apply for more than position at a time and your application will be reviewed for each role you have applied for.

View our vacancies here

We're committed to being a fully inclusive employer, so please let us know about any assistance or flexibility you might need in your interview or your role when you apply.

What the application/interview process involves

Once you have applied for one of our vacancies, a member of the Recruitment team will review your application accordingly. If we are looking to progress, we will arrange a pre-screening call with you to discuss your skills and experience and suitability for the role.

Please note that if you are not selected for pre-screening, we are unfortunately unable to provide individual feedback due to the high number of applications we receive.

If successful at pre-screening stage, you will be invited to a formal interview held with the Recruiting Manager and a supporting member of staff.

Your interview will consist of questions which will relate both to the technical and behavioural aspects of our role, so please ensure that you thoroughly read the job description in advance. Interviews can be held virtually via Microsoft Teams, face-to-face, or during an assessment centre. For some of our interviews, you may also be asked to undertake a timed ability assessment relating to your skills that are required for the role.

Interview tips

GreenSquareAccord aim to give you the best experience possible! Our interviews are also an opportunity for you to determine if we are a right fit for you as well as you being a right fit for us.

We encourage all candidates to prepare for their interviews and read the job description thoroughly ahead of attending so you understand the job requirements and the skills we are looking for in a successful candidate. Throughout the process, we'll also be considering your attitude and behaviour as much as your knowledge and experience. We want this experience to be a positive one and it's really important that we're the right match for each other.

Our GreenSquareAccord website and Recruitment Information Pack provides lots of details on us as an organisation which will also help prepare for your interview.

It is recommended that during the interview, you prepare a few example from your past experience to refer to when answering questions asked. The answers you provide should be structured and provide the interview panel with as many details as possible.

On the day of the interview, we understand that you may feel nervous! To feel more prepared ahead of your interview, we would suggest that you:

  • Give yourself plenty of time to arrive (if face to face) or test IT equipment (if over Microsoft Teams)
  • Remove any distractions nearby (mobile phones, tablets etc.)
  • Ensure you have notes to refer or during the interview process
  • Contact the recruiter or interview panel if you are having any difficulties or if you are going to be running late

During the interview, the panel members will start by introducing themselves and provide an overview of GreenSquareAccord and the role you are interviewing for. Once the interview begins, you will be asked questions which will relate both to the technical and behavioural aspects of our role.

Before answering any questions, you may want to:

  • ask the panel member to repeat the question or explain further if you do not understand
  • write down the question or refer to any notes if required
  • think about your prepared examples and select the best example to respond with

We encourage all candidates to prepare for their interviews and come prepared with questions for the panel members.

Pre-employment checks

We carry out pre-employment checks for everyone who is offered a job with us. The nature of these checks vary according to the role applied for but will always include references that cover at least the last 2 years, and evidence of your right to live and work in the UK. Further information about your right to live and work in the UK is available on the UK Government website.

Other checks may include a DBS check, driving licence check, education and proof of relevant qualifications and for some roles, a consumer check.