

Whether you're already a shareholder or you're interested in becoming one, you'll find everything you need on this page.

A man standing in his kitchen looking out the window and smiling with a cup in his hands

Information for shareholders

Explore the links below to find all the information you need as a GreenSquareAccord shareholder.

How to become a shareholder

If you're a GreenSquareAccord resident or leaseholder and meet the eligibility criteria outlined in our shareholding policy, you can become a shareholder.

Shareholder responsibilities

As a shareholder, you'll have the opportunity to:

  • Attend our annual and special general meetings
  • Receive and vote on the approval of our annual report and accounts
  • Participate in the appointment or reappointment of external auditors
  • Vote on any proposed changes to GreenSquareAccord's rules.

It's important to note that you will not be involved in our day-to-day operations.

We expect all shareholders to act in the interests of GreenSquareAccord and our customers.

How to apply

Before applying, please check our shareholding policy to make sure you meet our eligibility criteria.

If you meet the eligibility criteria, simply fill in our shareholder application form and send it to our Governance team at governance.team@greensquareaccord.co.uk

Successful applications

If your application is accepted, you'll get one share worth £1, and your details will be added to our shareholder register. This share will not earn interest, dividends, or bonuses, and it cannot be redeemed.

As a not-for-profit organisation, we reinvest surplus funds to improve services, invest in local communities, and build more affordable homes.

Other ways you can get involved

We have a range of engagement options that you can take part in to help shape our services and improve our customer offer.