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Young people

Living alone for the first time as a young adult isn’t easy, particularly if you’re just leaving care or a young parent. We’re here to help.

A young woman and a little boy are walking along a garden path holding hands

We can help you find somewhere safe and affordable to live – whether that’s at one of our supported living schemes or when you’re ready to move onto your own home.

We want to put you in control of your life. Working alongside other agencies, we’ll help you gain valuable life skills and access any services you need to achieve your personal goals.

Our support services for young people

At our supported living schemes, you’ll share a house with other young people or have your own self-contained flat. Our support team will be on hand to help you learn to live independently:

At these schemes, we'll help you with things like:

  • accessing education and training
  • budgeting and paying bills
  • building your confidence and self-esteem
  • finding a job and starting your career
  • improving relationships with family and friends
  • learning key life skills, such as cooking on a budget and personal safety
  • looking after your physical and mental health
  • managing your tenancy
  • understanding your future housing options

How to access our young people services

Our young people services are designed for people between 16 and 25. You’ll need to be referred to us by your social worker or local authority. If you're in Birmingham, you'll need to be referred to us by our partner agency St Basils.