Walsall Domiciliary Care Service

Our Domiciliary Care team provides professional and friendly services which aid independence and improve the quality of life for those who require care and support in their own homes.

A seated GreenSquareAccord colleague is writing notes while a resident sits behind her

Whether you need a 30 minute visit to help you to prepare a meal, a personal bathing visit, support to attend a health appointment or a well-being call for peace of mind, you can be confident that our fully-qualified team will work with you to enable you to live as independently as possible

We provide a range of services, including: 

  • Personal care
  • Support with medication
  • Domestic household tasks specific to the Service User
  • Shopping and pension collection
  • Short, medium or long term rehabilitation
  • Social outings
  • Holiday accompaniment
  • Carer respite

Contact us

For more information, please send us an email or call us on 01213 589045.