Help and advice

Domestic abuse

There’s no excuse for domestic abuse. If you’re experiencing abuse at home, we can help you.

A young woman and a little boy are walking along a garden path holding hands

Are you being threatened or abused by a relative, partner or ex-partner? Do you feel you have no choice but to put up with the abuse? Have they told you that there is nothing you can do, nowhere you can go or they’ll find you if you try to leave? We can help you.  

What is domestic abuse?

Domestic abuse is when you’re being abused by someone you’re in a relationship with or have had a relationship with in the past. This includes:

  • your husband, wife or partner
  • your parents or step-parents
  • other family members (grandparents, in-laws, brothers or sisters)
  • your children

You can be abused whether you’re a man or a woman – anyone can be a victim of domestic abuse. 

Abuse doesn’t just mean someone hitting you. It can also be:

  • verbal abuse
  • threats
  • sexual abuse
  • isolating you from your friends and family
  • taking away your money
  • not allowing you money
  • damaging your home or belongings

Domestic abuse is a serious crime. There is no excuse for it and you don’t have to live with it.

How can I get help?

We will always help anyone experiencing domestic abuse. We’ll support you to stay safe and live a life free from abuse. 

Please get in touch with us as soon as you can if you’re being abused at home. Along with partner organisations, such as your local council, we can take steps to make you feel safer. 

We can provide emergency short-term accommodation for men and women, with or without children, who are escaping domestic abuse. We also offer extensive support to people rebuilding their lives after fleeing domestic abuse. There’s more information about these services on our domestic abuse services page.

How can I move to another home?

We always recommend you get advice from a support service on how to leave an abusive relationship safely. If you live in one of our homes and want to move out because you’re not safe at home, we may be able to help find you somewhere else to live. 

Please contact us and we’ll talk you through your options, whether that’s moving to another one of our properties, getting legal help to remove the abusive person from your home or helping you apply for alternative housing through your local authority. 

Which other organisations can help me?

If you’re in danger and need emergency help, you should always call 999 and ask for the police. If you can’t speak and are calling on a mobile, press 55 and your call will be transferred to the police.  

The National Domestic Violence Helpline is a 24-hour free and confidential service, run by the charity Refuge. You can call, any time, on 0800 200 247 to speak to a highly trained, female advisor. You can also chat live, send a message through the website or use its BSL interpreter service. 

Male victims of domestic abuse can get in touch with Respect, who provide the Men’s Advice Line. You can speak to their supportive and friendly advisors by phone on 0808 801 0327, by email or by webchat. 

What should I do if I’m worried about someone I know?

If you’re concerned a friend, relative or neighbour is experiencing domestic abuse, you can speak to a support service such as Refuge or Respect for free and confidential advice.