Your tenancy

Your responsibilities

You can help make your neighbourhood a great place to live by being a responsible tenant.

A lady making a drink in her kitchen

We want you to feel proud of your home and your community. By being a responsible tenant, you're helping us make your neighbourhood a great place to live.

Your responsibilities as a tenant

  • You’ll look after your home and garden
  • You’ll pay your rent and service charges on time
  • You’ll always be considerate and respectful to your neighbours and local community
  • You’ll report repairs to us promptly and do any repairs that you’re responsible for
  • You’ll let us into your home to carry out repairs and safety checks
  • You’ll tell us before making any major changes to your home
  • You’ll update us if your circumstances or contact details change
  • You’ll talk to us if you need help or advice with your housing situation
  • You'll treat our colleagues considerately and with respect. Violence or personally directed abuse towards our colleagues is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

Our responsibilities as your landlord

  • We’ll provide you with a safe and well-maintained home
  • We’ll work with your local community to make your neighbourhood a great place to live
  • We’ll make it easy for you to pay your rent and any other charges, such as service charges
  • We’ll let you know in advance if your rent or service charges change
  • We’ll carry out any repairs promptly. If the repair is your responsibility and not ours, we’ll explain that to you.
  • We’ll let you know in advance if we need to visit your home for repairs or safety checks
  • We’ll make it easy for you to contact us in a way that suits you
  • We’ll make our responsibilities as your landlord clear. If we can’t provide you with a service you need, we’ll point you in the direction of other organisations who could help.