Planning for Real will soon be taking bookings for their next training course which will be held on Tuesday 13 and Wednesday 14 May at Millennium Point, Curzon Street, Birmingham B4 7XG.
Based on a 3D model of a local area Planning for Real can be applied to a variety of contexts and different scales. Planning for Real is a highly participative community planning tool which is used to involve people in having a say about their local area.
The Planning for Real training is particularly suited to those in public-facing engagement roles such as:
- Local government employees working in fields such as housing, planning, regeneration, health and wellbeing, and community involvement
- Housing sector professionals
- Local Councillors
- Community group representatives
- Voluntary sector staff.
Margaret Wilkinson, Head of Planning for Real Unit at GSA, said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for individuals to receive intensive training as part of a small group on the renowned Planning for Real process.
“This course has been designed with the public and voluntary sectors in mind. It will be relevant for anyone who works with communities and is looking to better understand their diverse needs.
“To ensure the quality of the training experience the number of participants on each course will be limited to 16, so please book early to avoid disappointment.”
Participants will learn how to plan and facilitate a Planning for Real community engagement programme. By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Explain the Planning for Real process and its possible applications in supporting community consultation
- Construct a scale model of a local area
- Promote Planning for Real to key stakeholders and make the practical arrangements
- Use a model and the Planning for Real process to identify suggestions for improvements as well as issues of concern and possible solutions
- Prioritise both suggestions for improvements and issues of local concern and work with a group to construct a basic action plan
- Understand how Planning for Real can support the achievement of your own project objectives.
On completion of the training, delegates will be eligible for discounted rates on Planning for Real resources. Planning for Real is trademarked and only those who have received the official training are able to take the technique out to communities.
This course is available at a discounted rate of £350 plus VAT (excluding accommodation) and participants are required to attend both days.
Find out more about the course and secure your place here: PFR training | Planning for Real