We’ve started the search for three new Customer Panel members.

Our Customer Panel works with teams at GSA to influence and drive performance and service improvements as well as giving assurance that we are working in an open, transparent, and accountable way.

We're committed to working with our customers to improve our services and we’re looking for members who are passionate about making a difference and promoting positive change to benefit all our customers.

A dedicated web page, including an online application form, has been created so customers can apply for the role.

Our Head of Community Involvement and Investment, Natalie Jones, said:

“At GSA we like to ensure our customers are given a range of opportunities to influence our work, get involved in the scrutiny of our performance and make recommendations about how we can improve. “We’re looking for panel members who are passionate about championing the customer’s voice to help influence and drive performance and service improvements here at GSA. “We are looking to recruit customers from localities one, two and three to ensure we have panel membership that is reflective of the four areas we cover.”

We are looking for customers to join our panel who:

  • Are passionate about championing the customer’s voice to help influence and drive performance and service improvements.
  • Understand the importance of an inclusive approach and the diverse needs of our customer base
  • Understand the ethos and values of partnership working to bring about positive working and trusted relationships between GreenSquareAccord and our customers.

As well as an opportunity to represent your fellow customers, this is a great chance to build your experience and make the most of training opportunities. 

Applications close on Friday 22 September.

To find out more about the roles visit our dedicated web page here.