Last week, a team from Apetito, rolled up in their food van to our Bowbrook Demetia Centre of Excellence to provide a culinary delight.

Apetito, a major catering supplier to the UK care sector and NHS, offered colleagues, customers, and their family members the opportunity to sample items from the new menu which will be launched soon at Bowbrook.

During the dining event, attendees had the opportunity to taste the following savoury dishes:

  • Plant-based shepherd’s pie
  • Chicken and butterbean stew and dumplings
  • Salmon and broccoli bake
  • Spring vegetable medley
  • Barbecue beans with bacon

Those with a sweet tooth were also invited to enjoy a slice of Victoria Sponge or Chocolate Cake - some dessert connoisseurs sampled both!

Following the tasting, participants were encouraged to give feedback on the dishes they had sampled rating each item as either poor, average, good or excellent. The customers were also asked which, if any, items they would like to see on the menu at Bowbrook in future.

Bernard, a resident at Bowbrook, branded the Victoria Sponge as “lovely” and another customer said the food she tried was “bloody wonderful”.

Brian, whose Mother-in-Law lives at Bowbrook, said “The tasting event was an excellent idea. The food smelt inviting, tasted good and was easy to eat which is very important to the overall experience.”

Our Registered Manager at Bowbrook Lucie Willday said: “We will be collating and reviewing all the feedback from the dining event and will be making informed decisions about our new menu at Bowbrook.

“We believe in including and empowering our customers and events like the food tasting help us to achieve this.

“I’d like to thank everyone at Apetito for taking the time to put on this event for our customers.”

You can find out more about Bowbrook here.