We have signed up to the Sustainability Reporting Standard (SRS) for social housing.

We’ve joined over 130 housing associations and funders as an Adopter of the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standard for social housing.

The SRS is a voluntary reporting framework, covering 48 criteria across ESG considerations such as affordability, safety standards and zero carbon targets.

By adopting the standard this means that we commit to report against the standard on an annual basis, and publicly disclose our report on our website.

Our Director of Corporate Finance and Treasury James Tarrant said: “In November last year, we launched our sustainable financing framework (SFF). We aligned this to when we were securing our £400m bond.

“We have already reported under the SRS as part of our debt funded through bLEND Funding Plc for the past few years, but we have now decided to formally adopt the SRS.

“This is ahead of our first reporting under the SFF which will follow early next year alongside an investor call.

“The SRS is important as it aligns our external reporting on our activities to our sustainability commitments and allows us to demonstrate our achievements in delivering these. For investors, this is important as they need to be able to provide information on how funds they manage are invested to the underlying investors in their funds.”

Ruth Cooke, our Chief Executive said: “We’re proud to have adopted the Sustainability Reporting Standard (SRS) for Social Housing.

“The SRS is a consistent, sector-wide reporting method and this will ensure our reporting will be comprehensive, transparent and aligned to other reporting, which is of benefit to both us and our investors.

“Being part of this community will allow us to demonstrate our investment in the sustainability of our communities. Measuring and continually improving our sustainability performance through the SRS will support us in making our homes warmer, more efficient and cheaper to run ensuring a better future for our residents.”

Find out more about the Sustainability Reporting Standard for Social Housing here.