We have been given the go-ahead by Wiltshire Council to build 26 new affordable homes in Semington.
The new development will comprise 16 homes for affordable rent and a further 10 homes which will be available under a shared ownership scheme.
To cater for a variety of local housing need, our plans contain a broad mix of accommodation including: one-bedroom and two-bedroom bungalow, two-bedroom and three-bedroom houses.
Each new home at our Semington development will have two parking spaces and in addition there will be six visitor parking spaces within the scheme.
Mike Nolan, our Head of Development at said “We are delighted that our plans to provide 26 new, high quality affordable homes in the village of Semington have been approved.
“We are proud to be contributing towards Semington’s future by providing affordable homes and will move forward collaboratively with the Parish Council and residents. Our development has been carefully designed to be sensitive to the local area and plays a part in preserving the village’s heritage.”
The site includes a concrete Pillbox dating back to the Second World War. The pillbox is locally recognized as a non-designated heritage asset which is to be retained as a bat roost. Anti-tank pill boxes were erected across Southern England as part of the defences against an anticipated invasion during the Second World War.
Richard Stephens, our Senior Architect said: “Our new homes in Semington are designed with a view to using modern methods of construction with thermally efficient facades and air source heat pumps for heating and hot water. The landscaping has been designed to assist the Biodiversity Net Gain calculation to create an ecologically friendly and energy efficient development.”
Our planning application for the 26-home development was preceded by a thorough consultation process, which saw over 380 households in Semington contacted about the affordable housing development proposal.
In September 2023, we also held a public exhibition to showcase their plans to the local community and seek to address any questions they had about the proposed housing scheme.