GreenSquareAccord partnered with the Housing Ombudsman Service to host a regional landlord discussion forum on Complaint Handling Code, Failure Orders and Self-Assessment Process.
This forum was attended by representatives from around 20 landlords in the South West. It was one in a series of virtual regional forums being held for landlords throughout 2021.
Suse Weeks, GreenSquareAccord’s Customer Insight Manager, hosted the session on Thursday 18 March alongside Elaine Moore, GreenSquareAccord’s Head of Policy and Customer Insight, and Julianne Britton, GreenSquareAccord’s Head of Customer Service.
Suse explained: “It was a fantastic opportunity to host this forum, working alongside our colleagues based in the Midlands in the weeks just before both our organisations merged to become GreenSquareAccord. It was a new experience hosting virtually, but it was great that the Housing Ombudsman Service found a way to hold these sessions despite the pandemic.
“The forum gave landlords the opportunity to hear from the Housing Ombudsman’s experts about complaint handling best practice, and a chance to discuss and share insights and learning.
“It also provided opportunities for people in comparable roles across housing associations in the South West to come together and connect, and to discuss similar issues that they might be facing.”
The Housing Ombudsman Service looks at complaints about registered providers of social housing, for example housing associations, and other landlords, managers and agents. Its new Code provides good practice for landlords on fair and effective complaint handling.