By the end of this week, all customers who live in our shared buildings will have received crucial safety messages to ensure we meet new requirements under the Building Safety Act.
The communication, which will be shared with 18,000 customers in total, explains the evacuation procedure in the unlikely event there is a fire in their building and provides other important fire safety information. Our Fire Safety team and Communications team have worked together on the project which has seen us create:
A high-quality tailored, mailed personalised booklet explaining the evacuation procedure in their building with QR code/links to the new fire safety section of our website.
A new fire safety section on our website with the ability to access the information using translation and other accessibility tools.
- Engaging animations for each evacuation policy with the ability to use translated captions.
A new search facility so customers can easily find the relevant evacuation procedure for their building on our website.
Around 400 customers living in our high-rise buildings were the first to receive the information in late November 2023. We monitored the process of distributing the communication to this group to allow us to learn any lessons before sending out the information to larger customer groups.
Download a PDF version of the booklets here:
View the fire safety animations below:
If you're a GSA customer living in a shared building, you can find out more about the important fire safety information you need to be aware of here on our website.