Two years ago, we launched our Locality Model to help us improve and adapt the way we deliver services to our customers.

Our locality model focuses on four localities and provides a framework for us to deliver our general needs housing services in a focused, collaborative way that meets the needs of our customers.

Our localities cover the following areas:

Locality One: Walsall, Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, Shropshire and Cannock ChaseLocality Two: Birmingham, Sandwell, Dudley, Solihull, Northampton and CoventryLocality Three: Oxford City, Oxfordshire, Banbury, Swindon, Gloucester City, Gloucestershire, Cricklade, Purton and Malmesbury.Locality Four: Chippenham, Trowbridge, Corsham, Calne, Royal Wootton Bassett, Melksham and Marlborough.

Locality One, Two, Three and Four have combined monthly Boards, made up of colleagues from Localities, Estates, Assets, Surveying, Building Safety, Property Services and Community Investment.

The Boards meet monthly and they are responsible for identifying performance issues and developing joined-up, local approaches to improve services for customers in the localities they serve.

Our Head of Localities David Loon said: “Over the last two years our Locality Model has evolved, delivering real benefits for customers by ensuring cross-operational teams work collaboratively at a local level.

“Our priorities have adapted depending on business needs and includes supporting the Building Safety Recovery Plan and the delivery of consistent messages to customers in all geographies when implementing revised policies and procedures.

“Through our locality model we can continue to respond to customers' needs faster and deliver our core services more effectively.”

Find out more about our locality model here.