According to figures shared by UN Women, an organisation dedicated to the empowerment of women and gender equality, every ten minutes a woman is killed by a partner or family member.

In response to this alarming statistic, annually across the globe, organisations and individuals come together to take a stand against violence perpetrated on women and girls by backing the 16 Days of Action campaign.

The 16 Days of Action campaign begins on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and runs through to International Human Rights Day on 10 December.

At GSA our domestic abuse support services lead our organisation in marking the 16 Days of Action. Here is what they are planning to do to support the 16 Days of Action this year:

Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service (GDASS)

This year, during the 16 Days of Action GDASS will be focussing on how friends and family can support those who are experiencing or have survived domestic abuse.

George Grindle, our Training and Prevention Coordinator at GDASS, said: “Starting today, we will be running a daily social media campaign across our social media channels highlighting what support friends and family can provide. Be sure to follow, like and share!

“We are also running five learning events within the 16 Days of Action. These will educate, call for action and raise awareness with professionals about domestic abuse and how to recognise and respond effectively.”

On Thursday 5 December, GDASS will be bringing together local domestic abuse and sexual violence services for an agency awareness session. The session is aimed at increasing awareness about the services on offer in Gloucestershire and how they can support victims and survivors. You can book a place here.

Further details about GDASS’s activities for the 16 days of action can be found here.

Domestic Abuse Walsall Service (DAWS)

Every year DAWS, which we manage, mark the 16 Days of Action with a series of engagement events.

This year DAWS will be working with the Safer Walsall Partnership to hold an exhibition in Walsall Town Centre.

During the 16 Days of Action, DAWS will also be hosting a craft session attended by colleagues and clients. At the session, participants will craft orange flowers which will be placed on a ‘Tree of Hope’. The tree will then be displayed at the New Art Gallery in Walsall from Tuesday 26 November onwards.

Haps Bram, Domestic Violence Services Manager at DAWS, said: “The 16 Days of Action is an important opportunity to promote DAWS and engage with both the public and partner organisations.

“Over the next two weeks, DAWS will raise awareness about domestic abuse through quizzes, one-to-one conversations and marketing material. We look forward to sharing updates of our activity with the wider business.”

DAWS will also be supporting a coordinated development day brought together by the Walsall Domestic Abuse Forum on Wednesday 4 December.

Find out more about the 16 Days of Action here.

Find out more about our Domestic Abuse Services here.