Our performance Tenant Satisfaction Measures

Over 4,500 customers participated in our 2024 Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) perception survey. This survey helps us understand how customers feel about us as their landlord.

15 05 2024 GSA Anthony 15

Thank you to all our customers who responded to the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) perception survey. We had over 4,500 responses, a 20% response rate, and really appreciate everyone who took the time to respond. You have provided us with valuable feedback about your perception and experience of GSA as your landlord.

The views of our customers are extremely important to us. We receive feedback through a variety of ways, including satisfaction surveys customers complete when they have received a direct service from us, complaints and compliments, listening events such as our customer roadshows and feedback from our Customer Panel. We are committed to use the TSM survey results together with all the feedback we receive, to help us to keep shaping and improving our services.

Since the creation of GSA, we have had to focus on several key areas of priority including building safety and compliance. Having made significant progress with this, we recognised there was a need to refresh our strategy and re-shape our organisation to ensure we refocused on our core purpose as a social landlord. This included making clear commitments on how we would improve our customer offer and invest in our existing homes. In 2023 we launched our new Simpler, Stronger, Better 2023-28 business strategy which sets out our objectives and the key programmes of work to enable us to deliver the commitments made in our strategy.

Over the past 12 months, since we launched our new strategy, we have been working to make the changes needed, we have recently published our Progress Check report which highlights the changes and improvements we have already made as well as what we still plan to do.

It has been positive during this period to see the much-improved levels of customer satisfaction from our transactional surveys. Whilst we recognise the TSM perception survey results do not reflect this same level of improvement, we will use all customer feedback to continue to deliver our strategy commitments, accelerate our focus on improving our customer experience and work together with our customers and colleagues to embed and sustain the change.

Below, you can read about our TSM perception survey results together with more information about what we have done and outcomes we have achieved so far and importantly what we are still planning to do.

Our 2024 perception survey results

Management information

As well as reporting on our perception survey results, we are also required to report on our management information for the below areas. The data covers the period from April 2023 to March 2024.

Summary of approach

Our summary of approach page explains how we carried out our customer perception survey and calculated the results.

A GreenSquareAccord employee talking to a resident outside his home