Contact us Make a complaint

We value your feedback and want to make things right if we’ve let you down.

 A man and women sitting in their kitchen looking at paperwork and a laptop

How to make a complaint

If you’re unhappy with our service, please call us on 0300 111 7000. There are other ways to contact us if you prefer, however, the quickest way is to talk to us.

Our complaints process

Our complaints process follows the two-stage process outlined in the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code. Here’s a summary of how it works:

Stage 1
  • When you make a complaint, it’s logged as a Stage 1 complaint.
  • If the issue is straightforward, our Early Resolution Team will handle it and respond to you within five working days.
  • More complex issues are referred to our Customer Care Team, who will acknowledge your complaint within five working days.
  • Complaints about our care and support services are handled by our Care and Support Team, who will acknowledge your complaint within five working days.
  • We aim to respond to Stage 1 complaints within 10 working days, but more complex cases may take up to 20 working days. We'll let you know if we need more time and keep you updated.
  • When we’ve investigated your complaint, we’ll send you a letter to tell you about our decision and any steps we’ll take to resolve the issue.
Stage 2
  • If you’re not happy with our Stage 1 response, you can escalate your complaint to Stage 2 within 20 working days.
  • We’ll acknowledge your request within five working days.
  • Your complaint will be reviewed by someone not involved in the Stage 1 investigation.
  • We aim to respond to Stage 2 complaints within 20 working days, but more complex cases may take up to 40 working days. We'll let you know if we need more time and keep you updated.
  • When we’ve investigated your complaint, we’ll send you a letter to tell you about our decision and any steps we’ll take to resolve the issue.

Stage 2 is the last stage of our internal process.

Escalating your complaint to an Ombudsman service

If you’re still not happy after Stage 2, you can escalate your complaint to an Ombudsman service:

Additional support

If you need help using our complaints process, please let us know. For example, we can:

  • Provide information in large print
  • Give verbal updates if that's what you prefer
  • Allow someone to act on your behalf, with your consent.

Read our reasonable adjustments policy to learn more about how we can support you.

Complaints about our care and support services

If your complaint is about a care and support service, please email us at c&

Our policies and procedures

For more information about our complaints process, please read our policies and procedures.

Complaints Policy

- pdf - 221Kb

Complaints Policy (Easy Read)

- pdf - 2746Kb

Complaints Procedure (Landlord Services)

- pdf - 451Kb

Complaints Procedure (Care And Support Services)

- pdf - 367Kb

Remedies and Compensation Policy

- pdf - 150Kb

Complaints Policy for Co-operatives

- pdf - 221Kb

Our latest complaints reports

Read our latest annual report on our compliance with the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code.

2024 Annual Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Report

- pdf - 4624Kb

2024 Complaint Handling Self-Assessment Report

- pdf - 331Kb